Community Research & Data

The Tesfa Program strives to present evidence-based best practices for working with the Ethiopian community.

We partnered with the University of Washington SCOPE to-

1. Analyze existing Tesfa programmatic data; and,

2. Create a survey tool for the local Ethiopian community and then analyze the results.

Utilizing our community network, we administered surveys and conducted interviews to better understand the perceptions and behaviors of this community in accessing healthcare, social services, and public health information.

We encourage other organizations to use our data and findings to continue to promote equity for the Ethiopian, and more broadly the East African Diaspora.

University of Washington SCOPE Analyses

Highlights from Tesfa Program Data
Analysis of Tesfa Program’s Q&A Data
Analysis of Tesfa Program’s Community Survey Data

Additional Analysis

Tesfa Program Interview Analysis


Highlights from Tesfa Program Data

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Analysis of Tesfa Program’s Community Survey Data

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Analysis of Tesfa Program’s Q&A Weekly Session Data

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